While on a walk with my 10 year old daughter, she brought up her latest challenge - learning how to ride her two-wheel bike. Now, let me give you some background here - the last time she tried riding the bike the training included her falling on the floor, crying, getting back up and throwing the bike! Despite her attempts to stay on the bike and balance, she continued to give up pedaling, lose her balance, and fall. Two other women passed us on our journey and gave encouragement to her, sharing their own experiences and letting her know that we've all been through it... and that she can do it! But she still struggled and didn't see how she was ever going to do it. We decided to stop for the day and take it up another time.

That being said, after creating some distance from the bike riding incident of the previous weekend, she mentioned that she had to learn how to brake. "Of course, that's the third thing, though," she said. "Really? What are the first two?" I asked. She said "The first one is balance, and the second one is pedaling." Realizing an opportunity to teach, I respond "Those first two are actually one thing. You can't have balance unless you keep on pedaling." She looked thoughtfully at me and asked "Even when I start going off to the side?" "Especially on those times!!" I went on to clarify that the slower she goes, the harder it is to maintain balance, and that if she pedals through the challenging times and stays focused on where she is going - she'll get there.

And then it hit me - once again sports analogies hold true for something so important in life. We can't get balance by standing still. Balance is achieved by moving forward and continuing to adjust and respond to times when we're off balance. Stay focused on our goals and committed to 'pedaling through' the rough parts, and we'll get there! I'm still working with my daughter on her biking skills. She is committed to learning and I'm committed to her success. As she learns these lessons and begins to internalize her own power to making this happen, I have no doubt that she'll be riding around soon!

What challenging goal have you set for yourself that you are struggling with? Post notes and we'll have a chat!

Love and hugs,


Luz Flores Lee
Executive and Life Coach
[email protected]
With passion, anything is possible!