As we start another week, I am thinking of motivation. With so many projects, groups, activities, and responsibilities on my plate, I notice that my motivation level follows a pattern. Whenever I start something new, I get super EXCITED about the possibility of what I can create, what I'm about, and how I can contribute. In this stage, everything is possible, I'm going to change the world, and I can't spend enough time on the work. After a while, though, the excitement fades. I get into the real nitty gritty of the work and I start getting OVERWHELMED. Wow, this is a lot of work! Can I really do this? How am I going to do it all? Is it February already?!?! And lots of other thoughts flow through my mind. When I get overwhelmed, I usually stop. I get paralyzed by all of the work there is to do, I doubt myself, and my abilities. I question why I was there in the first place, and who am I to even try? I don't know about you, but I can stay in overwhelm for a long while. I stay stuck, and disempowered, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is, unless it gets interrupted. I have some things that I do to get myself out of that overwhelm trap. From here, I RESET myself, my mindset, and the way I spend my time and energy. I talk with people, get supported, ask for help, and find ways to take extra care of myself. Above all, I forgive myself for stopping, for getting stuck, and start over again.  Having let go of the energy and pain of stopping, I am EMPOWERED to continue, moving my projects and actions forward in a great stride. 

What's great about noticing this pattern in myself, I can interrupt it. I can catch myself in different places in the cycle and get to empowered faster. I also share this pattern with others in my support network so that they can help me see where I am when I don't see it for myself. Then I take action to get myself back to empowered. Nothing's wrong with any phase of my pattern, and nothing is wrong with yours. What we can do, is be kind to ourselves, notice, and course-correct when we choose.

Some questions for reflection:

Do you notice any of this in yourself? What does your pattern look like? 

What value do you see in identifying this pattern for yourself? 

What phase are you in on each of your responsibilities? Is that where you want to be? What action will you take to shift your perspective?

I wish you all a powerful week, full of love, happiness and success!

_When I was in about 5th or 6th grade, on a family trip to Puerto Rico, we went to one of the beaches at the resort we stayed in. Looking back on it now, it never occurred to us that although it was a really big resort, very few people were out on the beach and even fewer were in the water. We went along our merry way and played in the sand, and got in the water. Me, Mom, Dad, and my two younger sisters (one about 10 yrs old and the other about 3). Shortly after getting in, I started getting pulled by the undercurrent. Every time I tried standing up, I got pulled in deeper, and further out to sea. Mom panicked, Dad got my sisters out of the water to safety, and I swam my heart out, still trying to stand up to catch a breath. Then Dad came back and said "swim with the waves" or something like that. We always would play in the waves coming in and let them push us to shore. In order to do that, we had to float and take our feet off of the ground. And so I let go. I swam with the waves, came back in to shore, safely with my Mom, Dad, and sisters. We were all shaken and nervous. And we were grateful. We had a wonderful time the rest of the trip, growing as a family and connecting with our relatives.

The attached video reminds me of that story ( I realize that I need to let go, and swim with the waves in my life. My automatic is what is actually hurting me right now, trying to keep me safe by standing up to catch a breath, when the air is actually abundant when I float and swim with the flow of the water. In going with the waves, my health and wellness are enhanced, my relationships thrive, and my career impacts others in a powerful way.

I bet we all have a story like this, our lives are set up for us to take gold from every experience we have. I thank my coach for helping me see the gold in this experience so that I will fulfill on my declaration for the luscious delicious life as leader, love, coach, mentor coach, wife, mother, friend, sister, and every other role I have created and empowered so that I can be my most authentic self and make this life great, and share that with the lives of everyone I meet.

What will you empower today?