I've been a part of a team for the past year and one thing that continues to be a challenge for us is asking for support, help, assistance, or whatever word works for us instead of our normal way of going at things alone. We all know that two heads (or more!) are better than one, but when it comes right down to it, most of us would rather go solo when we're faced with a challenge. It lead me to thinking about support in general. How do we get it? How do we give it? What do we ask for? How much is enough? Too much? I assert that these questions, among others, are just us avoiding and evading facing what's uncomfortable for us. We can't get it right. We can't be perfect about getting or giving support. We may be rejected. And in the midst of trying to get it right, we lose out on some of the best support around. 

The following story reminded me of this idea of support:

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a man who said he believed in God. One day it started to rain and did not stop. It rained and rained. It rained so hard that the roads turned into rivers and water started to come into the houses. The man climbed onto the roof of his house to escape the water. A short time later, a boat came to his house and the captain shouted to the man: “Come into my boat and I will take you to safety!”. The man replied: “No, I will not come – the Lord will save me”. So the boat went away.

And the rain kept raining and the water got higher. Late that night another boat arrived and the captain shouted to the man: “You must act quickly, please get into my boat and I will take you to safety!”. Again the man replied: “No, I will not come – the Lord will save me”. So the boat went away. And the rain kept raining and the water got so high that it reached the top of the house and the man had to hold onto the chimney to keep from drowning. A third boat came to the man’s house and the captain shouted: “This is your last chance! Get into my boat and I will take you to safety!”. Again the man replied: “No, I will not come – the Lord will save me”. So the boat went away. And the rain kept raining and the water got so high that the man drowned.
When he arrived in heaven, he asked God: “My Lord, why did you not save me? I waited for you for so long!”. And God replied: “But, my child, I sent you three boats!”.

How many times have we been the one on the boat? Or the man on his roof? Let's start accepting and giving more. Let's stop waiting for God to throw thunderbolts and lightning and a big to do for us to see a miracle. Our miracle is in each and every one of us and what we bring to each other.

Did this provide any insight for you? What action will you take from here?